The spaghetti lunch we had after church today was a resounding success. We surpassed Kyle's goal amount by about fifty dollars, and I think it's obvious God's hand was in it. Yesterday we didn't know if there would be more than a dozen people that would show up. I think we served between fifty and sixty. Plus, more donating on the side. Here's the flyer we passed out:
Let me tell you, passing out flyers is not something I'm super comfortable with, but we were on a mission. Special thanks to Mrs. Gail for taking care of some critical food and presentation areas, Peter for spearheading the "solicitation" of guests/donations, and, well, I could just name the rest of my family and friends who gave their time and effort as well, because everyone was a big help. Above all though, the glory goes to God our provider. I think my favorite part was just seeing my family here all working side by side.
Selfless service gets me every time. Now on to the final preparations.
awe.some. :)