Friday, July 15, 2011

Face It

You know how all your "stuff" looks worse to you than to everyone else? Your face, hair, body, clothes, personality, intelligence, accomplishments, personal taste, spiritual life...and the list goes on. Well, there's truth in that. Your problems are always going to be magnified in your eyes. It's also true that sometimes you can't help thinking people are not being entirely honest with you. Whether it's favoritism or "softening the blow" on their part, or intended encouragement, or seeing you as a person instead of the obvious flaws you're pointing out, or perhaps it's simply indifference or lack of care. Sometimes you feel like the only one in your corner. When you voice a massive concern and get the, "Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it" reply, it doesn't exactly feel like you're being taken seriously. Or how about the, "It's all in your head" brush-off? Great, now I'm mental too! (But then, sometimes you crawl into a corner on purpose and you're the only VIP allowed to your little party of pity. =P)

Whatever the case, it's nice to know it all stems from selfishness, intended or not. Too much me-me-me. It's all my fault. Add another fault to the list....oh wait, heheh. Selfishness can be replaced with love though. My first reaction is always to think: "So now I'm being selfish for feeling BAD? I can't win!" But then my next thought is that I'm the only one who is stealing my happiness. It's kind of a catch 22, because there are personal things that work against you that you ultimately have no control over, but it's still your choice how to react and work with what you've got. That's not existentialist, that's biblical. Be thankful and love your neighbor.

Ugh, that all sounded too psychological for me. I'll have to think of something actually funny next time.

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